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4 Things I've Learned from Marriage After 8 Years of Dating

"I vow to recognize that dating is not the same as marriage, and that I will do my best to make this transition as smooth as possible."

This was one of the five promises I wrote to Cyrus in our vows on our wedding day. Let me tell you, unmarried Steph somehow knew what she was talking about. It surely has been different! But it's been wonderful. So I'm here to share with you what I've learned, and maybe I can help someone else!

1. Boys are weird.

I grew up with one sister, so living with a male was sooo different for me. To be fair, Cyrus' hygiene and cleaning habits are remarkably good for a dude. But it's still strange to smell the subtle fumes of Axe any time the shower steams up the bathroom.

2. Conflict is different.

When you're together allll the time, you know a lot more about the context of your partner's feelings. When we were dating, it was so hard to figure out why Cyrus was upset when I wasn't with him or even close to him. And I usually assumed it was about me, even when it wasn't. It's nice to understand the whole context of his feelings! (The majority of the time, he's just hangry ;))

3. Cuddling is so much easier for naps than for bedtime.

When my married friends first told me this, I thought "Surely, you're just doing it wrong. Cuddling is so comfortable!" But, I'm telling you, we can spoon for ages, and when its time to actually sleep, we always end up separating riiiiiiight before we fall asleep. I don't know why. I don't make the rules.

4. Confidence affects our relationship.

I have been stuck in the post-grad rut pretty much ever since we came back from our honeymoon, and it has been messing with me. In turn, it's been messing with our emotional and physical intimacy. Now, don't get me wrong, we're still having the BEST time being married, but that's because my husband is the most understanding and empathetic human on the planet. It just surprised me that my personal confidence would affect our relationship so much! Who knew!

Okay, folks! I might add to this blog later, because I don't ever expect to stop learning about marriage. But that's all for now! Thanks for reading!

All for Christ,


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